Temporary website

A new and improved website comes in February


It is possible to order online, use the button below.

Phone request/Letter/SMS: 30288899

There are price changes D 1 /2-2019

January out: 1 session 600KR 5 sessions 2500KR

Per 1/2

1 session 750kr.

5 Sessions a 650kr., 3250kr.

Intensive 3 sessions of 4 weeks 1800kr.

Short description

I always put 1 hour and 10 min off for a treatment. Then I know that there is time enough to uncover the course, give an in-depth treatment and say goodbye in peace and quiet.

When I give treatment, my goal is to get the body and mind in balance. Before and during the treatment, if necessary, I will ask relevant questions to avoid symptomatic treatment.

I use pulsating movements and focus on breathing, which effectively initiates flow in the body and loots the muscles. This gives access to the deeper tensions, so the treatment will have a prolonged effect and give body consciousness and profit.

If desired, a few exercises are provided to maintain and improve the achieved agility and well-being.



Body Therapy for Wellbeing

Islands Brygge 53, 1.th

2300 Copenhagen S

Tel: 30288899

CVR: 34551197